
Archive for April, 2014|Monthly archive page

Flea market in Florence

In Uncategorized on April 27, 2014 at 12:35 pm

Charming and cosy, the flea market in Piazza Compi just around the corner of Santa Croce Church is the point for old books and photos.


LIF is relaxing…

In Uncategorized on April 27, 2014 at 8:54 am

Florence as it is and it is elegant, trendy and cool. LIF started the walk from Santa Maria Novella with its famous artists’ works, Alberti, Masaccio, Lippi. Masters of Gothic and Early Renaissance.
Stop for a sandwich with the delicious and typical panella and then keep walking to the Dome of Firenze, Santa Maria dei Fiori.

Life is a Journey in Florence

In Uncategorized on April 26, 2014 at 11:41 am

There are some places in the world which are considered as must-see. That’s mean, don’t die without visit them. Florence is in the top of the list.
We booked a hotel near the train station, Santa Maria Novella. Handy place, near everything, cosy and comfortable.
We stayed one night in Pisa which was crowded and warm. Beautiful people hanging around. We stopped for a pizza and got our way to the leaning tower. It has an amazing view in the evening. Great experience being in the middle of Piazza Cavallieri where you find the university Normal di Pisa.
Again, the hotel is in a handy position and provides tourists with delicious breakfast.
In the next post, LIF will talk about the prima donna, Firenze.